Membership at NBGC

Many ways to support NBGC

Membership Options

Each year at the start of the seaon (May) we have our Members pay dues. There are numerous options our Members can choose from. Members are defined as someone who has contributed $1000.00 towards our Retire the Debt account. They have four different options to choose from to maintain their "Active Membership" in any year. 1. Family Dues $1250.00 (good for golf for the season for up to 6 family members, plus 5% discount on merchandise, and voting rights for one member.) 2. Individual Dues $500.00 (good for golf for the season for one member, plus 5% discount on merchandise, and voting rights for one member.) 3. Social Dues $350.00 (good for activites other than golf, 5% discount on merchandise, voting rights for 1 member and a punchcard for 8 rounds of golf). 4. Basic Dues $100.00 (good for voting rights for one member and keeps member in Active status).

Award Winning Course

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Powered Golf Carts

Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.

Premium Golf Balls

Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.

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February 2025
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